Č - définition. Qu'est-ce que Č
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est Č - définition

Pronunciation of English c; C (letter); Letter c; Letter C; Alphabet: Letter C; C; U+0043; Cee (letter); ASCII 67; ASCII 99; \x43; U+0063
  • Pictogram of a Camel
  • Latin C
  • 15px
  • '''C''' in [[copyright symbol]]
  • Early Etruscan C
  • 17x17px
  • Etruscan C
  • Greek Gamma
  • Early Greek Gamma
  • Old Latin
  • Phoenician gimel
  • A curled C in the coat of arms of [[Porvoo]]

¦ abbreviation
1. Cricket caught by.
2. cent(s).
3. centi-: cSt (centistokes).
4. (c.) century or centuries.
5. (preceding a date or amount) circa.
6. colt.
¦ symbol Physics the speed of light in a vacuum: E = mc2.
·- As a numeral, C stands for Latin centum or 100, CC for 200, ·etc.
II. C ·- The "C clef," a modification of the letter C, placed on any line of the staff, shows that line to be middle C.
III. C ·- C after the clef is the mark of common time, in which each measure is a semibreve (four fourths or crotchets); for alla breve time it is written /.
IV. C ·- The keynote of the normal or "natural" scale, which has neither flats nor sharps in its signature; also, the third note of the relative minor scale of the same.
V. C ·- C is the third letter of the English alphabet. It is from the Latin letter C, which in old Latin represented the sounds of k, and g (in go); its original value being the latter. In Anglo-Saxon words, or Old English before the Norman Conquest, it always has the sound of k. The Latin C was the same letter as the Greek /, /, and came from the Greek alphabet. The Greeks got it from the Ph/nicians. The English name of C is from the Latin name ce, and was derived, probably, through the French. Etymologically C is related to g, h, k, q, s (and other sibilant sounds). Examples of these relations are in ·Lat. acutus, ·Eng. acute, ague; ·Eng. acrid, eager, vinegar; ·Lat. cornu, ·Eng. horn; ·Eng. cat, kitten; ·Eng. coy, quiet; ·Lat. circare, ·OF cerchier, ·Eng. search.



C, or c, is the third letter in the Latin alphabet, used in the modern English alphabet, the alphabets of other western European languages and others worldwide. Its name in English is cee (pronounced ), plural cees.

Exemples du corpus de texte pour Č
1. But if Chavez‘s expectations of Russian support for Venezuela vis–Č–vis the United States are not met, he is likely to be disappointed.
2. Suddenly she burst out laughing and held up a pass for Ě';řĺëü '3;ŕ';íĺđ. My great composers spelling trick had failed: Verdi turned into Wagner, and Berdy into Bagner. Îëü';ŕ, Č ęđŕňęîĺ. (Îé!) Michele A.
3. Make a pledge: Č îáĺůŕţ óáđŕňüńH'; çŕ ńîáîé / ńäĺëŕňü đŕáîňó â ńđîę / őîä';ňü ń ňîáîé ďî ěŕ';ŕç';íŕě âĺńü ';îä! (And I promise to clean up after myself / do my work on time / go shopping with you all year!) And then –– keep your promise.
4. Castaldi (Servizio CNAG), nel quale si legge che "Gli esponenti della Consob hanno fatto presente di aver avviato uno specifico monitoraggio all‘indomani della formale disdetta del patto di sindacato della banca avvenuta il 23 dicembre scorso. Č stato inoltre reso noto che l‘ABN–Amro ha inoltrato alla Consob un esposto concernente rischi di insider trading, violazioni del patto di sindacato di Antonveneta (ancora formalmente in vigore fino al 15 aprile p.v.) da parte dei soci veneti, nonch é l‘esistenza di un‘azione concertata tra la Lodi e gli altri soci tale da poter configurare un obbligo di OPA.
5. It can be made warmer with any number of syllables: Ńďŕń';áî÷ęŕ! Ńďŕń';áî÷ęî! Ńďŕń';áî÷ę';! Or personalized: Ńďŕń';áî ňĺáĺ, äîđî';îé! (Thanks, sweetie!) Or you can use the jokey '3;îëüřîĺ ÷ĺëîâĺ÷ĺńęîĺ ńďŕń';áî! (A great big thanks; literally, "big human thanks.") When things aren‘t going your way, someone might remind you that it could be worse: Ńęŕć'; ńďŕń';áî, ÷ňî äĺň'; âçđîńë$';ĺ! (Be grateful that the kids are all grown up!) And then you can sigh dramatically: Č íŕ ňîě ńďŕń';áî! (Thank heaven for small favors!) When you get a letter asking you to make 12 pumpkin pies for the potluck Thanksgiving dinner with the tag line '';ŕđŕíĺĺ áëŕ';îäŕđţ (thanking you in advance), you can mutter another good expression: Ńďŕń';áî â ęŕđěŕí íĺ ďîëîć';řü. (You can‘t put thanks in your pocket.) Which means: I prefer cash.